Here's some more of Tom Hagen IF he had appeared in GF III.

Gilday - Six hundred million.

Michael looks to Hagen...

Michael - We have six hundred million in Zurich. Now, Tom will send a transmittal letter today directing that the money be held in escrow for the Vatican Bank. Three hundred million will be transferred upon the Vatican's vote in New York and the second three hundred million will be delivered upon final ratification of the Immobiliare deal in Rome.

Gilday - I see your attorney has done his homework.

Hagen (nods slightly)

Gilday (takes a nervous draw from his cigarette) - It is not as easy as that. There are special procedures in place that require notification and waiting periods. The board cannot formally ratify this for several months, but it is a mere formality.

Michael- Tom?

Hagen - Your excellency, with all due respect, something cannot be a mere formality and something requiring formal notification and waiting periods all at the same time. According to the Immobilare by laws the board can waive notice and a formal meeting and the deal can be ratified by the Pope within a day of the shareholders' meeting here in New York.

Gilday - You overestimate my power.

Michael - You want the six hundred million or do you want the world to know what we know about the condition of the Vatican Bank? (He stands to leave) Think it over. Our offer is on the table for a week.

Cut to Michael's office. Tom, Neri and Michael are there.

Tom - You think he'll go for it?

Mike - I learned many things from my father, and one of them is that any dishonorable man will choose a bribe over disgrace. Now, this archbishop cant get away with the excuse that he only relied on friends for very long.

Tom - Our people in Rome say the Immobilare Board could stall this for some time, and even find a way to deny ratification. They say a Don Lucchese who has known connections in industry, and secret connections in the drug trade is joining a Swiss banker to form a consortium of European Catholic businessmen against our control.

Mike - Then we have to get ratification or the deal will be off one way or another.

Neri - Maybe we should send a message to Lucchese.

Mike - Its an option, but I'm gonna wait. Tom?

Tom - My guess is that the waiver will go through. Too many people on that board are implicated in the bank scandal. Your real problems will come after you take over control. They will be looking for a way to move you out.

Mike - By then, I'll be ready for them. Now is there anything else.

Tom - Something personal Mikie.

Mike - Al?
(Neri gets up, leaves the room and closes the door)

Tom - There's something going on between Mary and Vincent.
She's been seen going into his club in Little Italy and staying there for hours on end. We have to put an end to it.
Zasa has already tried to kill Vincent, and if the word gets out that he and Mary are involved, then she is in danger too.

Mike - Joey Zasa wouldnt have the power to hurt my daughter.

Tom - Unless he has permission from someone higher.

Mike - All right. I'll have Connie talk to Vincent and Mary, and then I'll talk to Vincent. We can't afford to have anything interfere with this Immobilare business right now.

Tom - I'll arrange a meeting for you and Vincent.

Cut to Terrace at Michael's Apartment. ( Tom is handing papers to Michael for his signature. They are having breakfast. A large bowl of oranges is on the table)

Mike - Pop hated foundations, and now look what we're doing.

Tom - Pop always wanted you to bring the family to prominence in the legitimate world. He'd understand.

(Andrew enters)

Andrew - Off to Rome.

Tom - I'll see you there next month. (They hug)

Andrew - Godfather, thank you. (He hugs Mike)

Mike - We're so proud of you Andrew.. all of us ...can you join us?

Andrew - No, I have to run but thanks just the same.

Andrew leaves

Tom - Who'd have guessed , my son a priest.

Mike - He always had the faith, Tom.

The telephone rings.

Mike - Yes?
(He listens)
Good. Good. It will be taken care of.

(He hangs up)

Tom - What was that?

Mike - The Archbishop,he and evidently the Pope himself have seen the merits of our offer. It seems the ratification in Rome will occur the day after the stockholder's meeting.

Tom - It was almost too easy...

Mike -- It is too easy. They're gonna come after me. Altobello is nothing more than another Tessio.

Tom - Altobello? You mean Zasa.

Mike - Zasa's a pozzo. He doesnt have the wit. Until this moment I didn't realize it, but its been Altobello all along. Altobello is in league with this Lucchese.

Tom - What are you gonna do?

Mike - Nothing now. Nothing until the deal is consumeted. You do something to postpone this Atlantic City meeting for a while all right? And whatever I may do later is of no concern to you. Where's Neri?

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."