Originally posted by Tony Love:
After going several weeks without talking (yet seeing each other daily), she came back. She wanted us to resume small talk. I referred to the GF, but it was slightly modified (for certain reasons, I'm going to keep her name anonymous as "Laura"):

Laura, you're nothing to me now, only a name. Nothing is
to ever happen, nothing has ever become. This is best, despite feelings you may have, you know this is the best which can happen: nothing. A simple indifference which has immortally occurred, effacing our past, discontinuing our future.

She claims she would never forget those words, and she had never been hurt so badly.

I hope she never sees GFII, she might figure me out...
lol That's one of the best uses for a Godfather line I've ever heard!!


I use alot of them. They have become part of my vocabulary. grin

Hey, how's it going?