Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
I never got the feeling of Michael being 'troubled' at the end of GFII. Seems to me he was more consumed with this 'protecting the family' thing...even to the point of being almost devoid of a soul. In that final closeup he most certainly does seem tragic to me.

I would say that in GFIII he was far more troubled by the past (hence his weepy confession about Fredo) .... or HAD been troubled in the years between the two films.

I can completely understand the need for a GFIII...there were many (including me) who wanted to know how the rest of Michael's life might unfold after that loneliness depicted at the end of GFII. I just wish it had been done better...and always will.

I think that every GF fan feels the same way. I am, however, happy that we got what we got, considering that it took this long, and was this complicated to get made.

I'd rather have what we got, then nothing at all. It sure makes these message boards more interesting!