Originally posted by DeathByClotheshanger:
How many times have you watched it? Entirely? I mean actually sat down and watched it from beginning to end without letting the nagging flaws get in the way?...
As I've readily admitted here before...I've NEVER watched entirely from beginning to end.

I've seen the beginning, parts of the middle, and the end. Straight through? Never.

Mainly because the first hour or so is such a unrelieved bore that unlike the first two (and most other good movies, for that matter) I've been forced to switch channels just to stay awake.

I also can't really say that I 'HATE' the movie. Haven't seen enought of it to really hate it (unlike 'Titanic' which I truly do hate). But I can say that it was a waste of time, a mass fabricated, sensational and in some cases downright ridiculous plotlines just to capitalize on the previous films and tickle fans, and REALLLY unlike the other two...awash with too many instances of miscasting and bad acting.

So except for the fact that Michael does die in the final scene which I do think was appropriate...I would say that it most certainly was not a 'worthwhile and excellent final chapter to an otherwise awesome trilogy'.

Because it could've and should've been better. And it wasn't, and aside from the fact that it is forevermore a 'Part III' ... really doesn't even deserve a place in The Trilogy precisely because it DOESN'T (in your words) hold a candle to GF and GFII. Which is why you will almost always see GF and GFII aired together, back-to-back nights or weeks whenever they are on Bravo or Spike or HBO. And GFIII is always off somewhere on its own (where it belongs) on TBS or something like that.

I wonder if I'm getting my opinion across. Sometimes I'm not clear in my choice of words.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.