There is no question that Michael was the son MOST like his father. The son who had most of the same talents and traits like his father. The only one of the son's who could successfully carry on the Corleone name with might and power. But the one trait that he lacked was the talent of saying NO to people without offending them or making enemies.
Michael had the coolness and the business instinct of his father, but Tom and Sonny also ressembled Don Vito in a godfather-way.
I think Sonny would've been more like Vito and Tomassino, not wanting to be the most powerful and rich man like Michael, but more protecting the people around him, being the patriarch of an extended family. Maybe a little bit too protecting, which Carlo knew best.
Tom was also in some way more like Vito than Michael. Tom was more diplomatic, could say no without offending, could make threats without really acting threatening. But he was consigliere, he observed the Don for quite a few years while people came for favors, he learned how to be tactical and diplomatic.
Question: What was Tom's role in the family while Genco was still consigliere? Just lawyer?

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.