Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Originally posted by Don Smitty:
[b] Remember in GF2 when the young Vito is at the play with I think Tessio and Tessio's girlfriend is on stage and Tessio says to Vito "Look at her isn't she beautiful" and Vito says to him, "Yes she is, but their is only one woman for me." Vito was very dedicated to his wife and his marriage. I think Vito looked down at Sonny for not being faithful to his wife. Vito knew Sonny was cheating on his wife at his daughters wedding and I think he was very upset with Sonny for this.

There is no question that Vito was very upset with Sonny for his bedroom antics. Vito was an old fashioned husband and a dedicated husband. I think that there were many reasons why Vito was so dedicated to his wife. Being a young boy who lost his father, brother and then his mother, he appreciated family and held family values in very high esteem. But to say that he "looked down" on Sonny is pretty harsh. Being a parent yourself, think about it; if your child does something that you don't approve of and feel that they have done wrong, you NEVER "look down" on your child. you may get angry, sad and dissapointed, but you wouldn't look down on them.

Don Cardi cool [/b]
I Shouldn't have used the word Look Down to describe Vito's feelings toward Sonny, I did mean angry and sad. Just a misunderstanding.. smile


I woke up this morning with nothing to do and went to bed with only half of it done.
