Here's a list of mistakes in GF3:

# Continuity: Al Neri helps break up the fight between Vincent and Joey Za Za. Yet Neri left the room before the fight began, and never reentered.

# Anachronisms: The montage of newspaper clippings describing the Corleone family's involvement with Immobliare, the text underneath describes events which happen between 1988 and 1990.

# Continuity: A hand can be seen on the shotgun on the table in the opera, followed by a shot of the hand reaching down to pick it up.

# Continuity: While making her presentation speech early in the film, Mary Corleone pronounces her own surname two different ways.

# Revealing mistakes: A headline about Immobiliare appears in the Wall Street Journal, but the text underneath the headline is from a word-processing manual.

# Continuity: At the beginning of the movie Vincent gets in a scuffle with security at the party being held for Michael. Vincent's coat gets knocked off his arm but in the next shot it's there again. This happens a few times and when Vincent walks away the coat is back on his arm.

# Continuity: After the shootout at the opera house, Vincent goes up the stairs, then he is back down at the bottom and then at the top again, all within a matter of seconds.

# Audio/visual unsynchronized: At the opera house, Vincent is heard yelling while his mouth is not moving.

# Continuity: When Michael lies in the hospital, the oxygen tube on his pillow changes its position.

# Factual errors: The Opera Cavalleria Rusticana is shown out of chronological order. The prologue is shown first (Anthony singing backstage), fallowed by a scene near the end. The procession scene shown next, is actually in the middle of the opera. Then the conclusion is shown.

# Anachronisms: In the first "overview" shot of New York City at the beginning of the film, the World Financial Center is shown. Construction of the complex began in 1981 and was not finished until 1987.

# Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Although the details of Pope John Paul I and his death in the film are not always consistent with those of the real Pope John Paul I, this is not a factual error, as this film is only presenting a fictional story partially (and loosely) based on true events.

# Anachronisms: When the Corleone family moves to Sicily, one white car license plate can be seen. White car license plates were not introduced in Italy before 1988. The movie takes place towards the beginning of the 1980s.

# Plot holes: When Michael is at the Vatican, before confessing his sins to the Cardinal, he has a diabetic reaction and needs sugar. The priest leaves before the cardinal finishes telling him what to get and within seconds is back with a whole tray full of orange juice and candy bars.

# Continuity: When Michael visits Archbishop Gilday, the Archbishop has a lit cigarette cupped in his hand. While telling of the bank's woes and his need for Michael's help, another priest offers the Archbishop a cigarette and lights it for him. The first cigarette has disappeared, yet there has not been enough time for, nor any action indicating onscreen, the Archbishop has extinguished the first cigarette.