Don Cardi, I am comparing Sosa and the five families because 1. Solozzo had the backing of these New York Mafia Familes and 2. this is the comparision Mosecarelli used to defend his belief.

I never stated that Solozzo had anyone shot on his own. I said that Solozzo was 100% responsible for the shooting of Don Corleone. He set it up. If sonny hadnt had that sudden out burst The turk wouldnt have had any reason to shot the Don. The five Families had to real dislike for the Corleone family except for the fact that they didnt deal with drugs, which wasnt a hug problem until Solozzo showed up.

'Sosa had many friends in high places as seen at the meeting with Sosa, Tony and all the "high" ranking officials and businessmen!'
As i recall all the man at th meeting were important in the Colombian goverment. This is a usless connection in this situation for two reasons. The first is that we all know that the lane of oppertunity is America wink and Second Tony would have been persecuted in the United States.

I used the fifty cent John Lennon comparision to show that just because your alive doesnt mean your the better musician. You saying 'im not even going to touch that one' would sugjest that i had insulted Lennon was I was actually giving a compliment.

Thank you for the welcome and the mature descusion.


You go in alive and you come out dead