The question isnt who is the most powerful it's who is the better business man. Who knows, if Solozzo had stuck around for a few more years he might have been as powerful as Sosa. Solozzo's death could not have been prevented because of the fact that all of the necissary procations were taken.

Solozzo had the great Don of New York city shot. I dont understand how you could give 'credit' to Frado seeing as he wasnt responsible for the shooting. The fact that he didnt have any 'balls' doesnt matter here. Him not dropping the gun wouldnt have prevented anything seeing as Vito Corleone was already shot.

Sosa was deffinetly not even close to the power that even one of the five families held. Sosa's main problem was that he didnt have any friends in high places [this is why Tony Montana is given the job to kill the Goverment offical]. The five familes, especially the Corleone family had many politicains in there pocket, but this is beside the fact because Sosa wasnt a member of the Corleone family, it's just a point you brought up which I believe is incorrect.

Sosa may have won his war, but first of all that doesnt make a great business man. A second point would be who is the better singer, John Lennon or 50 cent? Just because your dead doesnt you werent one of the best.

You go in alive and you come out dead