Originally posted by Michele Corleone:
Originally posted by Flora Corleone:

Q: chiĆ¹ greca che italiana...

(two possible answers... lol )
A: Fabrizzio and Calo (who was repeating the words of Fabrizzio all the time smile )

Q: Il cane puo restare [/b]
LOL!! Double points to you, because you mentioned both Fabrizio and Calo! grin

A: The owner of the widow's house (Gosh, I have his name on the tip of my tongue) to young Vito Corleone, when he went to talk to him after he had been going around asking informations about him. wink (hilarious scene btw... lol )

Q: Eh, contento te contenti tutti....

"...Brucia la luna in cielo, e io brucio d'amore..."