Originally posted by Jimmy Buffer:
[QUOTE]...if i was whining by stating my opinion about the discussion, then you are also whining by stating your opinion about my reply. if you would prefer to get back on track instead of simply whining that my opinion is wrong, then it's quite possible to veer the thread back to discussion of the film and how it can be compared to the book. that is, if you have anything constructive to add.


Nice try, Jimmy...but actually my reply is very different from yours. You decided upon your own that this thread no longer had anyting to do with The Godfather and suggested it be moved. Catholic bashing or not (which is still a matter of opinion), I stated that it had sufficient link to GF to remain in this forum.

Since it's still here...I guess those who move threads did not agree with you.

But by 'cleverly' attempting to use my own words as part of your reply...you did confirm that you still have nothing constructive to add to the thread so I do appreciate your post on that point alone.

On with the discussion.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.