I really like Tom, Michael and Sonny. Tom is played beautifully by Robert Duvall and I really think there is more to Tom than we see in the films. How does he really feel when Michael says he is not a "war time" consigliere and so on?

I like Michael as well. His development from the start of I to the third movie. Al Pacino does a great job. Just imagine yourself Robert Redford in this role!

Sonny is not a good Don according to Vito, but he's a great character. Some temper! The scene where he beats up Carlo is just magnificent. It's actually (perhaps not a suprise) doned in Simpsons as well in an episode where Marge starts bodybuilding.

Fredo is not my favorite, neither is Conny. Both are interesting, but they are not as good as the other three.

Do you know who I am? I'm Moe Greene! I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders!