Priginally posted by Tony Love:
A book which I actually stopped reading about 40 pages into it was "The Sicilian". That was boring!
Actually, when I first began reading The Sicilian I found it a little boring also and moved on to other books at around 75 pages. However, for some reason, I revisted the book on some rainy night and for the next week couldn't put it down. Now, I look at it as a classic and one of the best (the best of Puzo's novels). You definately should revisit it. You won't be dissapointed.

Originally posted by Pippi De Lena:
Just to update I still have The Godfather Returns on the shelf and it will probablly stay there for quite a while. Yesterday I did pick up Puzo's The Fourth K which I'm really excited about starting as I am each time I read Puzo. I'm hearing alot of bad stuff about Godfather III which I can never understand I mean it's not the greatest movie but it ties up the storylines and compared to the Godfather Returns as someone here said makes part III look like Citisen Cane.

Yes, The Godfather Returns does make the third Godfather installment look like gold, but there are many flaws in The Godfather III. Even I, who believes whole heartedly that the third movie was the best, can come to terms and admit that it had its weaknesses. For example, inventing Vincent Mancini, the complex storyline, the acting in some areas was poor, and it can be debated that the characters (notabley Michael) were a little off key (though, in this area, I do not agree)...wow, that hurt ( , JustMe).

"The toe you stepped on yesterday may be attached to the ass you have to kiss today."
-Former Mayor of Providence, RI, Vincent "Buddy" Cianci