I'm sure if Winegardner where here right now he would say that the writting of the book was "Only business and not personal." I think he was only in it for the money as so far the story is really unbelievable. I mean Micheal in a picnic lunch? Fredo is a Bisexual? Kay a nympho? Also does it bother anyone else that as soon as the story gets interesting he changed characters and you had to start all over again with a different story until that one got interesting and then he changed the story again. The worst insult of all is having a story of Micheal verses Tony Soprano ... er I mean Geraci. I mean c'mon we know Micheal could kick Tony Soprano's ass so why base your villian basically on him? I thought Puzo had notes for the movie Godfather Part 4 so why couldn't they have taken those notes and come up with a better story from them? By the way speaking as a Canadian I hate it when Americans say that Canadians have an accent and pronounce words like "about" or "out" like "aboot" or "oot". Canadians don't do that and it really annoys me that Winegardner couldn't do a little research and realize that's not how Canadians talk. I say let me in Random House and have me come up with a better sequel that the fans would find more acceptable. One of the reasons I like Puzo's writting was that he wrote the way I think and talk.


You're taking this very personal. Tom, this is business and this man is taking it very very

Sonny Corleone