Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
You know what tho DSC? It'll only be people like on this board that will remember it was made. If a few years, or even two years from now, they decide to make a sequel or another GF, your average movie goer didn't even have a chance to remember this book, it sank so quickly. It'll be one of those "hard" useless questions on a trivia game in a few years, that we'll know the answer to, but everyone else forgot. :p

You are an optimist. We all hope so, sure, but it didn't happen with such a heap of crap as GF3, though. How about the reverse? Two years later we shall have people here who will be sure GFR is the genuine part of the Corleone story, a canon embraced by public?

keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open.