I know that the book isn't exactly popular around these parts (casts look at DSC) but their had to be some aspects of the novel that you appreciated. Be warned, there will be spoilers in this thread.

I liked Laughing Sal's death scene where they find him in the catacombs.

I liked the whole Shea storyline, and Johnny blowing up the helipad when he found out that the Pres wasn't visiting (very Sinatra).

I liked the allusion to a future assassination and who would be responsible.

And overall I liked the arc of the story. I thought that it was a bit stifled because of the time period Winegardner insisted it be in, but he worked well with what he had. Fredo being gay wasn't that big of an insult to me as a fan(I mean, c'mon, he got a pretty big kick out of the Cuban Superman). Tom's story was good, I liked how he kind of devolved into this lameduck of a person who finally took out his agressions on Don Russo.

The biggest things that I took an issue with was the absence of Pentangeli and Cicci (Pentangeli was mentioned ONCE- and only vaguely referred to as "Frankie Pants") and Clemenza's death. I would have like the Rosato Bros./Clemenza situation explored more.

Overall I like the novel more than I disliked it, and if another sequel were to be written then I'd welcome Winegardner.

...there I said it :p

"We've all heard the story of the canary who could sing, but couldn't fly"