Originally posted by Rudik:
I dont really understand why they even wrote that book. I think they should of made him write prt 2 and 3. I havnt read the book yet. But who's ever idea it was to write this book fuked up the godfather saga.
Made WHO write Part II and III? Pieces of part II are already in the original GF book. As for part III, a movie had already been made! The author of a Godfather Returns should have been someone from these boards! Someone from here who is a GF afecinato! This guy who wrote the new book was not a stickler for detail which proves to me that he was not the true GF fan! You know something? When the book first came out, someone from these boards trashed this guy, ripped him for riding the coatails of a classic, and slammed him for not writing an original self made book. I chastised that person for saying those negative things before he had read the book, telling him that he should give it a chance and read it before passing judgement. I don't remember who that member was, but you know what? After only reading half of the book and putting it down because of the boredom, that member was right! This author did not do his homework, did not push the right buttons in ressurecting the characters in an interesting way, and in essence he did ride the reputation and success of the original book and movie without really caring about the quality of what he wrote!

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.