CAUTION: In my review I do mention some plots and happenings in the book.. so here's another SPOILER WARNING. Proceed at your own risk


Well my book arrived the other day and I just finished reading it yesterday (yeah, I read fast!). I have to say.. I didn't enjoy it at all.

Winegardner tried WAY too hard to mimic the style of the original novel, and failed miserably at it. His writing is just stupid in certain parts, and he throws in a lot of unnecessary description (I know that Puzo did the same, but his descriptions added to the mood. Winegardner's didn't). Some things from GFII weren't mentioned at all or changed completely. The new storylines were ridiculously stupid (Fredo being bi and Sonny's daughter running over her husband) and half the characters didn't act a thing like they did in the movies (for example, Tom shooting that one guy on the gondola).

The writing was decent, but I have to admit the novel came off more like someone's attempt at fanfiction (and not a good one, at that) than an actual sequel. I also didn't like the fact that, while certain characters (Roth, Johnny Ola) were mentioned, important characters like Pentangeli weren't even acknowledged.

So my final verdict is a big thumbs down on The Godfather Returns. It doesn't do the novel or the films any justice at all and half of the plots are too cliche and/or stupid to make the novel enjoyable. I could probably find much better writing online, and not have to pay any money for it.


"Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger."
Don Lucchesi