Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I just cannot understand why someone would wish disaster on another person that they do not even know.
Let's not paraphrase, Don C. I didn't say I wished disaster on him. I said I hoped the book woul bomb disastrously--and in the process ruin his writing career for as long as he writes stuff like this. And I'd say the same to each and every filmmaker out there who make sequels and remakes (would that be the whole of Hollywood?).

There are too many budding novelists, filmmakers, or whatever, in the world these days who are busting their chops just to break through. Here comes along a guy who just expands on storylines and characters already penned out for him (and, I hear, he even goes a bit into destroying them).

I wish him all the best career- and health-wise, but as long as he writes stuff already created for him, sorry, but I hope it bombs. That may sound cruel to a freedom-loving American. Not to me, mate.

I'll definitely read it though, and I hope he proves me wrong. A false hope, perhaps?


...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?