Originally posted by Don Provalone:
[quote]Originally posted by Just Lou:

Amazon has lowered the price from $18.86 to $17.79.
JL - Thanks - I went to Amazon and found the figures you posted. Some additional info - Amazon also offers 'in store pickup' for $16.17. If my handy dandy calculator is correct, that is a 40% mark down 2 weeks after release - incredible.

If anyone sees a hardback price of $13.48 (from a legitimate vendor - there are some small independents who are selling it from $14.48 and up), then we're at the 50% mark and definitely viewing a reverse auction. I think that the average hardback market price wil bottom out at 14.99 by Christmas.
[/quote]Their online price is now $16.17, and the book has fallen to #54 on their Top Seller List.