Originally posted by J Geoff:
Who ever would've thought that Vito Spatafore would've been gay? 'Nuf said.

I really don't have a problem with that Fredo storyline. In fact, I think it's rather bold!

Granted, I'm only 136pp into it at this point and I'm not sure how it ends up, but -- "not that there's anything wrong with that", right?

That was unexpected. Vito was unexpected. Is it bold, sure. Is it unexpected, sure! Does it create controversy and discussion? Well, of course!

I have no problem w/ it.

As far as strict facts and whatnot... SURE, it would've been great if everything fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Of course! But I, for one, cannot read a novel while at the same time be fact-checking. Maybe it's just me.

The book is VERY well written. My only problem is that I can't read it at very long lengths due to time constraints. But I tell you, if I had 2-3 days where I had no other obligations, than surely I'd've finished by now! (Alas, finally I look forward to the laundromat so I can get a couple more chapters in

[b]On my first pass-through, I am not at all concerned with continuity. Being bothered by that would just be a distraction to me. While I'm only 136pp into it, I'm more excited about where the story is going than "OMG, he fucked something up!" I just can't read like that on the first pass.

Sure, if I was to narrow it down as a research project, I would have some questions for the author. And surely, he'd have some answers for "why". Err, umm,.... "artistic license," I'm sure he'd say. And then I'd say, "well, WTF?? You can't just change shit around like that!!"

Maybe it's just me. Of COURSE I think of the Corleones as a REAL family and hate to see even the most minute detail differ! But at the same time, I do realize that this is another person's interpretation of events. And, quit a unique one at that.

And, for that, I cannot denounce his effort.

That said, I look forward to my next reading to see what happens next! :p

In actuality the Don had his doubts about Michael in the Puzo novel. However Michael quickly put those fears to rest.


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