
"To understand the structural point of failure in this book, one simply needs to compare it with the Star Wars movie series. Lucas had a strategic plan. He wrote at least 9 scripts, released the middle segmentand then went back and released the first segment... ...Many people have written Star Wars books, but the stories only branch off of the 'cannonized' movie releases."


Even some of the stories and themes of the Star Wars novels that are set after "Return of the Jedi" have been contradicted by the new films - for example the character of Boba Fett and his origins - but it is still extremely enjoyable reading about those classic characters and how they have evolved since the end of "Return of the Jedi".

I bought and read this book (titled "The Godfather - The Lost Years" here in Australia) because I've missed the fact that there have been no more Godfather films since Part III, and the fact that having these characters back, even in novel form, is better than no films or book at all.

I loved reading anything to do with Peter Clemenza, Tom Hagen, Michael and Al Neri. Just like my love of Star Wars - Having further stories does nothing to harm the original films (whether you like or hate the book) because it is a different format.

I will always view Star Wars as Episodes 1 to 6 as the definitive Star Wars story but I do love reading other authors interpretations of what has happened since the finish of the last 'Star Wars' film - which is why I loved the new book.

Though I would have preferred to have some other parts of the Corleone history covered (more about Frankie Five Angels for example) I was still happy with what has been done with the story.