I could not believe that Puzo's son said he would be thrilled with this!

Somehow I doubt it, especially since the son said, "he loved anything that was a best seller and would make money" I don't believe that at all. In fact Puzo felt so passionately about the book that when he heard Danny Kaye was going to grab ownership rights and star in it, he flipped out, and started the campaign for Marlon etc...(you all know this )

I think it's outrageous how a contest was done. I've heard it is supposed to focus on the 3 sons..How can that be? NO ONE CAN EVER DUPLICATE WHAT PACINO DID FOR THE ROLE OF MICHAEL. Why would that even make sense to start there. Then I also heard it will pick up where 3 ended, which also makes 0 sense. Anyway, it is supposed to focus on the Corleone family somehow.

I tried to find info today, but could only come up with what Today had shown. Release for 2004 but Paramount does have first dibs on the movie rights

Yes, we fans should boycott alright!

...I think he's got a hell of a pair of big shoes to fill. Or perhaps they'll be filled with cement!

"Can't you act like a good Catholic for 15 f**king minutes?"