Has anyone heard about the contents of this book? I would prefer that people leave the series alone. If this book sells, then everyone with a brain cell will try to produce a Godfather book and destroy what Puzo has done.

I think we all love this site because we are purists. For years (well about 3 actually), we have stated that the series should remain as it is forever - movie and book-wise. At this rate, the term Godfather will mean as much as Dracula (and you know how many Dracula movies and books there have been...). I can see it now Alien VS the Godfather, Godzilla VS The Godfather, the Mummy Returns to Visit The Godfather....

Why can't they just leave the story alone??

OK - I've vented - time to disappear again - bye!

"People who are not serious, should not be taken seriously"