The prospect of new Godfather movies has been discussed - Puzo hinted at a Part IV in an interview on the DVD filmed before his death and how he'd like to see it done. It's rumored it would be like Part II in structure, with a current-day storyline involving Don Vincent Corleone and another covering the thirties and Don Vito's "magic years"(the gap between the flashback sequences in II and the fifties scenes in II).

I have a feeling if this new Godfather book sells well, we may be seeing a movie version. Perhaps they will not title it Part IV to indicate that it will not be following as a strict sequel as such.

Personally, I'd like to see Winegardner do a book that covers the thirties, when Sonny came into the family business, Vito first was shot (this is referenced in a movie outtake on the DVD bonus features) and the Corleones built their crime empire. Time will tell - if the book sells, there will be more.

I agree that Puzo is the only one to write The Godfather - but I'm going to give this book a try. Why not? I'm starved for some Corleone fiction!

"Ahh, rock there anything they don't know?" - Homer J. Simpson