Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
[quote]Originally posted by klydon1:
[b]Does Bartman still live in Chicago? He's become part of Cubs lore, and I kind of felt sorry for the guy.
The guy disappeared from limelight (good thing he wasn't harmed) so I don't know where he is. I also felt sorry for the guy - it wasn't his fault that the Cubs imploded during the late innings of that Game 6. [/b][/quote]I think I saw on Espn that Bartman lives in Florida now.

DC, if you haven't read my profile I must tell you I am from St. Louis, and well you're a HUGE Mets fan and game 7 is tonight......
GO CARDS!!! :p


My most painful losses in recent memory...

02 Duke Bball- getting upset by Indiana in the tournament
02 Rams- Adam V...enough said
04 Cards - getting thier ass kicked by the BOSox in the Series

There are things that have to be done and you do them and you never talk about them. You don`t try to justify them, they can`t be justified. You just do them. Then you forget it.