I am about 1/3 through the GF book. Although I find it interesting and it also fills in many gaps that are left out of the movie, I also have to say that the novel portrays the various characters in VERY different ways than the GF Trilogy does. It is rather disappointing to me, actually. I suppose it has to do with the fact that I saw the movies BEFORE I read the book. But, I find the characters in the book rather hostile and not at all like they are portrayed in the movie. Michael seems much more hostile toward Sonny in the book than in the movie. The whole relationship between the brothers (including Tom) is much more negative (I think) than how it is portrayed in the movie.

I have to say that, although the book has provided a lot of information, it is not as satisfying as I thought it would be. Perhaps it will get better as I go further into the book.

Anybody else get the same or similar take?

~~ Lollie

"Sono una roccia; Sono un'isola...una roccia non ritiene dolore; un'isola non grida mai."