I likesome of that stuff, JB.

I agree about Defense - not treated valuably enough in most leagues, it seems

I don't agree abut one-sided trades - they happen all the time in real life, and we've discussed this many times in the other fantasy games..

If I have two great QBs and can only play one every week, then QB #2 isn't worth anything to me unless QB #1 gets injured. If I have a guy at WR who figures to get me nothing every week, and I trade QB #2 for a WR who will get me at least some points, then that's a good deal for me because it improves my team.

The auction idea for free agents is interesting, but you really need dedicated paying attention participants for that.

Besides, in real life the worst teams get first crack at players on waivers.....

Interesting idea about extending trhe season thru Week 17, also.

I agree that "that's the way we always do (did) it" is a poor excuse for continuing to do it that way if someone can figure out a better way.

So which league(s) you gonna join, JB? Both, I hope.

And belated congrats on your Points Championship last season.

As you will recall, I always was the biggest proponent for Points Only and the biggest whiner/complainer about all the faults in H-T-H.

"Difficult....not impossible"