Originally posted by Don Andrew:
[QUOTE]1) Ghana has nothing to do with this. I know full well that the U.S. didn't have a snowball's chance in hell in winning the World Cup.

2) Maradona was a great player, but I don't wish he was on my team.

3) Maradona is not God. I believe in God, but he's not Maradona. Pele was better anyway.

I want to ask you something;

Do you believe Maradona cheated? Also, why do you celebrate a goal that was obviously garnered by cheating? Last time I checked, football is called football for a reason.
1-Actually USA was playing much better than Italy, and Italy was a strong team before, I don`t know what happen with them this year.USA has Donovan, Reyna(argentinian), and other that made a good job.
2-I know you do, but you don`t want to admit it!
3-Maradona is everyone`s God, and he is YOUR GOD too. No matter what you say, that`s the fact and that`s it!If you say Pelé is better than Maradona, you don`t know ANYTHING about this life!Pelé is the KING, MARADONA IS GOD!
4-Maradona was clever enough to make the goal with his hand, Shilton was taller than him and he had ONE chance.
You are american(as far as I know), I don`t know why you seem to be angry. Yogi Barrabbas is from England and he takes this as a simple joke.
5-You have said so many times "Maradona is a drug addict", it is the only thing you can say and that`s it. Jim Morrison didn`t die for drinking water my friend! And he was a bad example to the people, he used to stop the concert after 5 minutes just because he liked to make chaos all around.
6-You attacked me so many times and I let you go.But this time, I don`t and you better cut this conversation because I am gonna be the one who will get "The last word", I am starting to hate you Don Andrew, you are always bringing yourself up in my posts.
7-It is an anniversary, not a big deal as you feel it is!

Pelé is the King
Maradona is God!