Originally posted by Wolfman:

DaMarcus Beasley | Midfielder - Champions League experience, goal focused and fast
Barely played with his European sub-top team PSV
Originally posted by Wolfman:
Landon Donovan | Midfielder - even as a midfielder, he will serve as an extra striker with great ball control

Brian McBride | Forward - kept Fulham from relegation this year - he will be the top US scorer this year
They are not bad players, but there are 100's of players like these, they can't make the difference.

Originally posted by Wolfman:

Oguchi Onyewu | Defender - this big man is selfish about his area on defense and he's smart (more than a match for the 6'8" Koller w/ the Czech's)
"Guch" is a very good defender indeed.

Originally posted by Wolfman:
Claudio Reyna | Midfielder - very experienced captain that will help control midfield - also, he's an American born half Argentine / half Portuguese - WOW!
Not bad, but he won't 'make' the game since he is a defensive midfielder.

Sorry guys, but the USA won't make it to the 1/4 finals again, like they did in 2002. Italy and Tsjech Rep. wil go trough.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.