Originally posted by J Geoff:
DM   39/89  13  42  .438  - Productive & efficient 
PL   42/94  13  31  .447  - Hits worth less to the team? 
DJ   34/95  13  43  .358  - Most productive, less efficient 
I suppose Efficiency could mean overall production w/ the least amount of work (ABs). OR, what if it meant overall production when one produces (with lesser AVG)?

If the season ended with the stats above, I'd probably declare DMC the winner, even tho in the past I probably would've just looked at it and awarded it to DJ.
I beg your pardon ???

Explain to me how if the seson ended with the stats above, based on the way you said we were doing it this month, I am not the winner.

There's a three-way tie in homers, I lead in average, DJ leads in RBIs.

We're tied for the lead in one category, and each lead by ourselves in another.

But I lead in average, which is the tiebreaker.

The fact that I didn't win home runs outright, but instead I'm in a 3-way tie for winning homers doesn't matter.

If the ctireria for winning is whoever wins the most categories, we have a tie with oone win a piece.

But i still have the tiebreaker.

Talk about fuzzy math....I wanna hear the fuzzy logic that tells me I didn't win if the season ended with the stats above.

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
Hopefully someone will hit a homerun to break the tie
If it's you that hits it and winds up leading in homers, DM, and DJ hangs on in RBIs and I win Batting Average, then I claim the win since Batting Average is the tiebreaker.

"Difficult....not impossible"