Originally posted by J Geoff:
But FWIW, I think 17 more RBI is worth more than .035 in BA... so no, probably not. But as I said, come 30/31 days into it, it hasn't been an issue (yet) after all these years...
Yeah, but one day it may be a problem.

How can we have a game without knowing what the basis for winning or breaking a tie is?

If it seems like I'm breaking balls, sorry, but this is silly.

I agree, 17 more RBIs is worth more than .035 in batting average.

So where do you want to draw the line? Suppose the differnce is greater in average, and less in RBIs? How much greater or less swings the balance to the other player?

When I ask if the season ended based on the stats I quoted and you say "no, probably not", that doesn't strke you as a problem?

What you seemingly want to do is decide, subjectively once the month is over, who the winner is if nobody wins 2 out of the 3 categories.

I say that just like in any other game, it needs to be spelled out exactly so there are no arguments.

"Difficult....not impossible"