One of you guys - JG or DM, anyway - refresh my memory if you can.

How does ESPN determine among the four of us who is in first, who is in second, etc.?

The reason I ask is 'cuz it would be helpful to know that - I think, anyway - in deciding which categories to concentrate on.

Anyway....If it were up to me - and maybe the way we could or should do it if we can't figure out how ESPN does it, or don't like the way they do it - is by taking all 3 categories and awarding 4 points for being in first place in a category, three points for being in second, two points for being in third, and one point for being in fourth.

Which would make this month's standings look like this:

      AVG    HR    RBI   TOT
PL    4.0   3.5    2.0   9.5
DJ    1.0   3.5    4.0   8.5
JG    2.0   2.0    3.0   7.0
DM    3.0   1.0    1.0   5.0
Based on this:

      H/AB  HR  RBI  AVG
PL    15/40   4   7  .375 
DM    12/40   0   6  .300
JG    13/44   2   8  .295
DJ     8/32   4   9  .250 
I know we went through this once before....

DJ is first in one category and tied for first in another, yet he's last.

Meanwhile, DM is second in one category, but last in the other two, and he's second.

I seem to recall that they base our standings on something to do with how we are doing compared to everyone else in the wrold who is playing the game, but for our purposes wouldn't it be better to just rate ourselves against each other?

"Difficult....not impossible"