Sunday's Scores (official)

PL  1002  FLA (03) 30  1032  Lost half of his big lead in one day  ;)
TM  0973  PIT (03) 45  1018  Still wanting 1st
JL^ 0914  SDG (25) 72  0986  Coming for PL?
DM  0924  STL (30) 44  0968  In the middle of a JL/CC switcheroo
CC  0930  FLA (03) 28  0958  Becomes a bread slice in JG's CS
JG  0890  ATL (21) 38  0928  Happy where he is?
GG  0771  SDG (25) 36  0807  Lack of offense spoils pitching points
SC  0745  CWS (-3) 12  0757  Tough day overall
AL  0724  COL (-4) 25  0749  Lack of pitching spoils offensive points