10 Things I Think I Think (ala Peter King)

1 - Thanks for the congrats JG, Gina and Plaw. You guys are the best.

2 - It is awfully difficult to play De-fense (clap clap) when two guys are trailing you, especially when they were going back and forth like TM and JL were doing. There were too many permutations to use the strategy effectively.

3 - As I mentioned previously, I will not be playing in the second half. My reasons are many and are not limited to:
- A slight matter of my wedding/honeymoon
- I want to start liking sports again.

4 - I wish you all good luck in the 2nd half. I leave you all parting gifts.

5 - JL - May you get many of these on your next trip to AC.

6 - TM - To make sure you keep up your non-DNP streak.

7 - PL - To help you with your fuzzy math!

8 - JG - "Hey Geoff, why do you laugh when I say woodwind?"