And here's your update on p. 14.

Originally posted by plawrence:
I got in touch with my contacts in Vegas and got an update on the odds of winning this thing.

Here are the latest odds, along with the opening line:
         Opening  Latest
PL 1334     3-1     3-1   Holding steady as top pick
DB 1340     9-2     7-2   Now the second choice
GG 1300    10-1     4-1   Has proven her skill
JL 1259     7-2     9-2   132 point deficit hard to make up
JG 1231     4-1     5-1   160 point deficit harder to make up
CC 1322    15-1     6-1   Fading after strong start  
TM 1391    20-1     7-1   Still must prove he won't miss days
DC 1283    99-1    50-1   Caught on, but will he stay the course?
SC 1070    ----   150-1   Late start makes win almost impossible
LZ  974    99-1   300-1   May not stay, and not playing anyway
TM is probably a great bet at 7-1, if you believe he won't miss any days....he already has enough of a cushion to miss at least one day, anyway.....

JL and JG might be worth a wager if you think they can come back.....

PL and DB probably not worth the short odds when you consider how close the people behind them are.....

And, finally, you can't go wrong putting a coupla bucks on SC at never know, he might hit a massive hot streak.....

Want better odds than 4-1 on GG and 6-1 0n CC foreither to be worth a bet.....