It was on p. 10.

Originally posted by plawrence:
One of the things I had intended to do before the seaon started was post my predictions along with the "odds" of everyone winning and a few of sentences of "comment and analysis", a la one of those pre-season baseball magazines.

For some reason I never got around to it, and then it slipped my mind, but had I done it before the game started, it would have looked something like this:
1  PL   3-1  Out to prove last year was a fluke
2  JL   7-2  This is one of the sports in "MOAAFS"
3  JG   4-1  Finally a legit contender to win title
4  DB   9-2  Could be out of practice
5  GG  10-1  Seems very dedicated, but is that enough?
6  CC  15-1  If she can stay away from the Johnsons.....
7  TM  20-1  MUST avoid those deadly missed days
8  DC  99-1  Only because he told me in advance he'd be
             missing a lot of days because of vacations
9  LZ  99-1  Same as above 
Interestingly, if we leave DC and LZ out of the discussion for the moment (since neither expects to be able to play the full season), the two players I picked for last and next-to-last, TM & CC, are currently first and second, respectively.