Sunday - Last Day of First Half
DB  4636  MIN  (09) 42  4678  Congrats Douchebag!
JL  4538  NYM  (10) 45  4583  Hung on for 2nd Place
TM  4530  WAS (-15) 18  4548  Bizarre PS pick costly?
PL  4484  TOR  (21) 37  4521  What were projected odds again? :P
JG  4306  SFO  (11) 62  4368  Disappointed :/
CC  3941  MIN  (09) 34  3975  Needs a shot of Vinny...?
DC  3807  CWS  (43) 74  3881  Nineteen innings helped
GG  3676  TOR  (21) 41  3717  Sure her *fantasy* team did better ;)
SC  3592  BOS  (31) 50  3642  Nineteen innings helped
MIN: JSantana (9-4, 2.76) @ TEX
NYM: Glavine (11-2, 3.43) vs FLA
WAS: Patterson? (1-2, 4.31) vs SDG
TOR: Halladay (11-2, 3.02) @ KC
SFO: Schmidt (6-4, 2.69) @ LAD
CWS: Contreras (9-0, 3.31) vs BOS (SC)
BOS: Schilling (10-3, 3.63) @ CWS (DC)

Lots of good pitching choices today... except one. :p
(Okay, so they didn't all work out...)

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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