Saturday's Scores - SFO @ SDG D/H
DB 4215  SDG  (14)+(9) 76  4291  Holds on...
TM 4138  SDG  (14)+(9) 72  4210  Stays with it...
JL 4135  SDG  (14)+(9) 73  4208  Battling it out for 2nd...
PL 4049  SFO  (0)+(32) 79  4128  Ways to go still...
JG 3868  SDG  (14)+(9) 58  3928  Having a bad year...
CC 3557  SFO  (0)+(32) 72  3629  Sixty-Nine still satisfies...
DC 3453  CWS  (09)     47  3500  Don't question him!...
GG 3338  DET  (10)     38  3376  Too many Willy dreams?...
SC 3206  SDG  (14)+(9) 84  3290  Only 1,001 points out of 1st...
KN 0046  CIN (-28)    -06  0040  Joe Fuckin' Mays??...
Scores Fixed. Not sure WTF happened...

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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