Thursday's Scores & Friday's Probables
DB 4161  Cin  (08) 23  4184  Sea  Moyer     8-8  3.51  7.1   
JL 4056  Tor  (19) 52  4108  Det  Rogers   12-4  3.44  8.4 
TM 4036  Tor  (19) 56  4092  Det     
PL 3975  Tor  (19) 27  4002  Sea     
JG 3787  SaF  (25) 36  3823  TaB  Corcoran  1-0  1.80  8.0   
CC 3494  CWS (-10) 08  3502  LAD  Penny    10-6  3.06  8.9 
DC 3424  CWS (-10) 09  3433  Det     
GG 3268  Bos  (24) 24  3292  Det     
SC 3160  CWS (-10) 20  3180  Det
KN 0000  Cin  (08) 27  0027  Cin  Ramirez   5-6  3.61  7.7  
Welcome Don Allesandrio (KN)

If I may offer a few words of advice (I see that you've played a few ESPN games in the past)....

The pretty much accepted "right" way to play this game - or at least the way all of those on the Leaderboard play it day after day, year after year - is to change your team every day and make sure that you have a full team of guys who are playing on that particular day.

Occasionally, you may have an outstanding player who you acquired at a low price at the beginning of the season and you think that it pays to hold on to him and suffer the "zero" on his off days in order to keep him locked in at that low price, and that may sometimes be the case and it might pay to do so.

But the consensus - again among those who are on the Leaderboard (and there are a few who are there year after year) - is that if there are occasions like that, they are very rare.

Also, since pitching generally accounts for, or potentially accounts for, anywhere from 25 to 50% of your sore every day, most people pick their pitching staff first, and then pick an offense based around that with whatever cap room they have left.

Anyway.....Welcome, and enjoy the game.

"Difficult....not impossible"