yeah I also was very surprised to see two picks of the Marlins PS. they'll play at least one for sure, and since Mussina was one of the most solid picks in the first place (even without the D/H) I thought I'd take a shoot with him even though I hate the damn Yanks. in fact, I wish there was no D/H anyway because there were already plenty of good options, with Loaiza and Josh BLowers pitching. I was going to load up on the Mets, take the Giants PS and also a few hitters against Loaiza and I hoped I'd have a good day.

now there's this D/H and I know some of my picks makes no sense, like Wright at 3rd base (both A-Rod and Miggy Cabrera are less expensive and might play 2) and Hermida at RF (since I'm supposedly relying on the fact they might play one) but I'll just wait and see how it turns out.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk