Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
How's your school league going, Gina?
The dedicated few up top are still fighting it out, but I think the pool is the only thing keeping them going. Some who have done little to nothing on their lineups are maintaining decent positions, which I can't quite explain. Several people who I really considered the top players have lost interest, much like myself, and it's sad to see them drop in the standings.

If only you guys could've seen what it was like when we were still in school. Every day, I'd bring that score sheet, and it'd be the first topic of discussion when I saw any of the other players. People would gripe about pitching, whisper about doubleheaders, discuss strategy tips, form alliances, hire others to set their lineups when they couldn't, trash talk each other, and of course brag about their good days. Basically, like what we do here.

Anyway, thanks for asking about it, CS...but all of that was lost when we left each other for the summer, and the spirit has gradually faded.