There were so many scenes that were fimed but never used in any version. Francis had something like 7 hours of film to condense down to 2 1/2 just for GF II. Just a few of the ones I know about that have never seen the light of day: At some point after the communion party, the entire family was assembled on a lawn in front of the pagoda that was used for the band at the party. This lawn was brought in in trucks and laid just for this one scene, and the family had a big BBQ, steaks and all, the kids were tossing a football back and forth on the lawn. I think the purpose of this scene was just to show that they were just a normal family after all. (Yeah, right). Also, during filming at the Kaisier Estate (Fon-du-Lac) one day, they had to stop filming as a helicopter flew over. Francis watched it thoughtfully, and then hollered, "I want a helicopter, get me a helicopter!" Within 30 minutes or so, a helicopter was landing at the dock by the boathouse, and they had visiting dignitaries being filmed getting off. Another one, if you'll recall the scene between Michael and Connie in the boathouse, where he informs her that her oldest boy Victor had been picked up in Reno for some petty theft. The follow-up to that was a scene with Connie, Merle Johnson, and Victor sitting at a table outside during the party, and Connie presents Victor with a watch and apologizes for not being around much lately. Then she says, "Your Uncle Michael tells me that you stole car down in Reno". Merle pipes up with, "Oh really! What kind was it?" Victor looks abashed and mumbles, "Just a Chevy". So the petty theft that Mike refers to was Grand Theft Auto, or Joyriding. I guess to The Godfather, that would be petty. None of these scenes were in the script, and aren't really important to the plot, so they wound up being deleted. And did anyone know that teen heartthrob Robby Benson was to be in the film? He was to play Anthony as a teenager, he was brought up to Tahoe and some scenes were filmed with him, but never used. They were going to fly him to New York and film some scenes there as well, but the entire idea of showing some of the family at that point in time was scraped before they even completed the filming of it. That's about all that I can pull out of my memory right now, I was only 12 at the time and many of the details have faded. Besides, I think this post has gone on long enough.