Jun. 9, 2006 - 9:38 am et

Ken Griffey (quadriceps) is expected to return to the starting lineup on Friday.

Griffey sat out Wednesday and Thursday due to the sore quad. "Junior was a lot better (Thursday)," trainer Mark Mann said. "He thinks with this extra day he'll get over the hump. He has very minimal soreness."

Source: Cincinnati Enquirer

After his big night on Tuesday, I had him in my lineup for Wednesday, when he sat.

When I did my Thursday team (on Wednesday afternoon) I remember he had good lifetime numbers against whoever was pitching, so I put him in there for Thursday (before i knew he was gonna sit Wednesday night).

When he didn't play Wednesday night, I "tweaked" him out of my Thursday lineup late Wednesday, and substituted Tori Hunter in CF.

Unfortunately, the Minnesota manager decided that Thursday night would be a good night to gaive Hunter his first day off of the season, despite his good lifetime numbers against whoever he was supposed to be facing.

As Casey Stengal - The Old Professor - used to say, "You could look it up."

Someday I'll figure all of this out..... :rolleyes:

"Difficult....not impossible"