Not that much fantasy sports talk, and no real trash talking......

But after a few bottles of wine had been emptied,

JG admitted that he stinks at fantasy baseball and that his first place standing in the Yahoo game was due strictly to luck......

DMC admitted that he was sorry that he wasn't in either game, but vowed to play the salary cap game the second half and promised to kick ass.....

DC admitted that he didn't know the first thing about baseball, and uses a dart board that he has at home to pick his pitching staff every day, which was why he had to wait until he got home to pick his team the other day when his internet connection was down.....

SC admitted that he started three days late on purpose, so he would have a built in excuse for his usual poor showing.....


CC admitted that she doesn't care where she finishes in the final standings as long as she winds up as the "Top Chick".....

"Difficult....not impossible"