maaan does my team looks weird today. I'm hoping a few DNP's and a shaky pitching. in fact, why everytime that the top 4 have different pitching staffs, the difference between them is so big? I pick a guy thinking "well he might not be thee best pick, but he's gonna give me something", and it turns out a 42 pts difference between Schmidt and Pedro. that is not the first time, and it has happened the opposite in the past - like that day when it was either Santana or Beckett, and I fortunately went with Johan.

anyway, I have done fine after whining in the past, so I'm just trying again

and PL, I don't plan missing days pal I thought I would miss the 2 and 3 of june but I had a trip cancelled.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk