Originally posted by J Geoff:
As for PL's gripe, that's just... well... a ridiculous attempt to finagle extra points after a personal screw-up. :p
In a way, yes, it was ridiculous.

But, you will recall, in my original post I never said that I was suggesting such a thing - mainly because I know it is a ridiculous and unworkable idea.

I certainly didn't expect everyone to say "Yeah, PL is right....that's a good idea....let's give him 28 more points"

But it seems to me that DC's complaint is not much different.

In both cases there is a rule - the salary cap and the deasline for picking your team - and in both cases the people involved - myself and DC - chose to "take our chances" with the rule. DC by waiting until the evening to pick his team, and me by waiting until 1:00 in the morning, which caused me to literally fall asleep in front of the computer.

AAMOF, JG, just about every time that we've had a situation where someone was unable to pick their team for the next day because of a computer problem or because they waited until it was too late in the day - and there have certainly been enough of those situations in the past four years....

You have posted something to the effect of "That's why I always pick my team early in the day :p "

From which I infer that you consider it to be a screw-up when someone doesn't.

If I recall correctly, you even posted something like that when I whined about being over the cap because I fell asleep while doing my team.

Both cases are similar in that they are, IMO, "flaws" in the game. The difference is that in one case thee is a solution and in the other case there isn't.

But the fact as, as JG has ponted out on many occasions, if yoy choose to wait until the "last minute" to pick your team, you are running a risk.

Now, as far as the logic goes with respect to having the 3:00 AM to 3:00 AM time frame, as opposed to allowing you to pick your team for that day right up until the starting time of the day's first game:

While I agree that it would be better to do it the latter way rather than the former, I can see some logic in doing it the way that they do.

The rules, or procedures, or whatever you want to call it are the same and uniform every single day.

No guesswork about what time the deadline is for a particular day, nothing to look up or check, and less work.

And, finally, a question for JG:

As I pointed out above:

Just about every time that we've had a situation where someone was unable to pick their team for the next day because of a computer problem or because they waited until it was too late in the day - and there have certainly been enough of those situations in the past four years....

You have posted something to the effect of "That's why I always pick my team early in the day :p "

How come in this case DC didn't rate a similar comment from you?

I mean, c'mon....let's be fair here :p .

"Difficult....not impossible"