What do you say about a day on which the top PS choice, Cleveland, registers a -29, and all of those smart enough to stay off of Cleveland manage a 13, a 6, a -19, and a -3?

Well, each of us can say something positive…..

DB is happy that his two closest pursuers also had Cleveland.

PL is happy that he managed to shave another 4 points off of DB's lead, and is now as close to DB as he's been since May 8th.

JL is happy that he stayed away from Cleveland, and even tho his Astros scored only 13, and his offense got hum a rousing 7, his 20 point total was the highest score among the leaders, and moved him into 3rd place, within 4 points of second place and 70 points of the lead.

TM is happy that his offense scored 32, and his total score of 3 for the day still enabled him to gain ground on DB and PL/

CC is happy that she gained ground on JG.

DC is happy that he gained ground on CC.

GG is happy that she gained grond on the two people in front of her and the two people behind her.

SC is happy that his -19 from the White Sox PS only cost him 20 points in his battle with GG.

LZ doesn't really care anyway.

and JG is happy that, um....JG is happy because he, er........Well, JG doesn't really have anything to be happy about I guess. He lost ground to everyone.

Sunday's Scores & Monday's Probables
DB 2972  Cle (-29) -12  2960  Ari  Webb   9-3  2.01  14.4   
PL 2902  Cle (-29) -08  2894  Ari 
JL 2870  Hou  (13)  20  2890  Ari 
TM 2878  Cle (-29)  03  2881  Ari 
JG 2835  Cle (-29) -16  2819  Ari 
CC 2563  Cle (-29)  11  2574  Atl  Hudson  9-3  3.99   7.2   
DC 2463  StL  (06)  21  2484  StL  Suppan  6-5  5.06   2.2 
GG 2354  Min (-03)  23  2377  Ari   
SC 2327  CWS (-19)  03  2330  StL       
LZ 2056  Cle (-29) -13  2043  Cle  Don't play today 

"Difficult....not impossible"