Can we get back to business here, please? :rolleyes:

Here are tomorrow's betting lines for the games that we have our pitchers in (For some reason they don't have a line posted on the Dodgers, but that usually indicates that one of the pitchers isn't definite):

Boston      -400  Schilling (DB, JL, SC)
Tampa Bay   +320
Mets        -170  Glavine (CC, DC, GG)
Florida     +150
Houston     -120  Rodriguez (TM)
Pittsburgh  Even 
Detroit     -170  Verlander (PL)
Cleveland   +150
Others of Interest:
Oakland     -130  Zito
Texas       +110
White Sox   -180  Contreras
Toronto     +160
BTW..... If you're betting on the individual games, -400, meaning you have to lay 4-1, is a ridiculous line for a baseball game, IMO.

You have to win four out of five bets just to break even. :rolleyes:

Yesterday, the Yankees were -360 against Kansas City and they lost.

Also, interestingly, the White Sox with Contreras are the second heaviest favorite tomorrow and none of us took them.

"Difficult....not impossible"