Originally posted by plawrence:
So it's too bad that on a day when someone is accidentally over the salary cap we can't just count that person's pitching points,
Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Yes, it is too bad, but that is the way the game is set up and the pitching staff falls under the same cap as the rest of the team. So I'm not sure what you are actually commenting on or implying.

Are you thinking that even if someone goes over the salary cap, we should still count their pitching points anyway?

Don Cardi
Um, what are you not sure of, since it would seem as though you agree with me.

Originally posted by plawrence:
So it's too bad.....
Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Yes, it is too bad.....
I think what I'm commenting on is pretty clear.

Am I thinking that even if someone goes over the salary cap we should count their pitching points anyway?

No....where did I say, imply, or suggest that?

All I'm saying is that because we all pick our teams the same way, it's too bad that we can't, not that we should.

Obviously, I don't know for sure that if one day you or I or anyone else picks a PS and then an offense and then finds ourselves over the cap we won't be so in love with the offense that we wouldn't go back and find a cheaper PS.

In four seasons I've probably done that a handful of times myself.

But in almost every case there's at least one guy on your offense that you're not so in love with that you can't find someone cheaper.

"Difficult....not impossible"